Tolerance or … seeking “rights” to fisting, felching, farming etc whilst name calling ” ?

LGBT  activists  and  their  supporters  call   lack  of   support  for  the  homosexual  lifestyle,  which includes  activities  such  as  anal  penetration, fisting, felching, rimming, watersports  etc, homophobia.

Persons  who  do  not  support  the lifestyle  are  said  to  be “homophobic”  and  bigots

See :   (This  site  contains  explicit  material) 

Recently  the  word  homophobia   has  come  under  scrutiny  by  the  Associated  Press  and  is  to  be  removed  from  all  their  correspondence  and  reports‘homophobia’271112

Associated Press bans the word ‘homophobia’

AP says calling anti-gay hate a ‘phobia’ is inaccurate but word’s inventor says it is needed and ‘hard won’
Associated Press headquarters in New York: AP has banned the use of the word 'homophobia'.

The Associated Press (AP) has banned its journalists from using words like ‘homophobia’ and ‘transphobia’.

Its new Stylebook, which dictates the language reporters must use, also scraps the word ‘Islamophobia’ and the phrase ‘ethnic cleansing’ which it says is a euphemism.

American newswire service AP has 3,400 employees, scattered in bureaus around the world. But its guide is even more influential as many other publications use it rather than create their own.

Politico, the political news site, says Associated Press’ new style guide says ‘-phobia’ should not be used for ‘political or social contexts’ as it means ‘an irrational, uncontrollable fear, often a form of mental illness’.

‘A phobia is a psychiatric or medical term for a severe mental disorder. Those terms have been used quite a bit in the past, and we don’t feel that’s quite accurate,’ AP deputy standards editor Dave Minthorn told them.

‘Homophobia especially – it’s just off the mark. It’s ascribing a mental disability to someone, and suggests a knowledge that we don’t have. It seems inaccurate. Instead, we would use something more neutral: anti-gay, or some such, if we had reason to believe that was the case.’

Commentators Gay Star News has spoken to understand the point Associated Press is trying to make but say ‘homophobia’ is a commonly-used term and there is no alternative.

But, as Advocate reports, George Weinberg, the psychologist who coined the word ‘homophobia’ in his 1972 book Society and the Healthy Homosexual, told disagrees with AP.

Weinberg said: ‘It encapsulates a whole point of view and of feeling. It was a hard-won word, as you can imagine. It even brought me some death threats.

‘Is homophobia always based on fear? I thought so and still think so. Maybe envy in some cases. But that’s a psychological question. Is every snarling dog afraid? Probably yes. But here it shouldn’t matter.

‘We have no other word for what we’re talking about, and this one is well established. We use “freelance” for writers who don’t throw lances anymore and who want to get paid for their work…

‘It seems curious that this word is getting such scrutiny while words like triskaidekaphobia [the fear of the number 13] hang around.’

Helen Belcher of Trans Media Watch told GSN: ‘We don’t work on the basis of prescribing or proscribing words but this words are in common usage and are commonly understood.

‘To remove them from a style guide because they are medically inaccurate takes us back to the question of what other word would you use?’

The changes have been made online and the printed version will change next year.

This entry was posted in Bigot, felching, fisting, Gay activists, Gay is Good, Hard Cell, Hard Cell Playroom, Hate, Homophobia, International Day Against Homophobia. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Tolerance or … seeking “rights” to fisting, felching, farming etc whilst name calling ” ?

  1. glbtqja says:

    How many MSMs in Jamaica do practice fisting or felching as you would like your readers to believe its many?

    Why your constant obsession with these practices though they are in the minimum in EUROPEAN cultures more so than African descented ones?

    It seems you want a “hand” then …………..

    Not all msms for that matter even practice anal penetration and let us say persons do such practices, do they do so in front of you while you are tied to a chair and forced to watch? you totally forget privacy or you would not mind peeping through our keyholes if you have you way to see who is pushing what in where?

    You paranoia suggests there is something else going on that is yet to be revealed.

    HOMOSEXUALITY – A Biological reality

    HOMOPHOBIA – is the lifestyle choice …. one you have clearly made

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